Hang-Kép Kulturális Egyesület

4025 Debrecen, Mácsai u. 3. fsz/2.

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Good bye “old” team, welcome to the fresh members

After 1 year, we had to say good bye to several of our team members. Sonja Strobel headed back fo Germany, while Jules and Lele (aka Alessia and Giulia) took a break to stop in Italy before following great artistic ideas. Mehdi and Mariem left and moved to Budapest making the local international community even stronger there (thank you, the capital needs people like you guys!!!), Amirmahdi finnished with a super intese period of daily albums of the Campus Festival and as a "super user" he can never get rid of us … sorry. So please come and upload/ dowload and shake your head please anytime. Yassine headd back to home to Tunisia and Haseeb finniehed too after spoiling us with Pakistani and Indian food for months. We had a great good -bye party when friends could give hugs and say really good-bye.

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